Monday, January 28, 2008

Stocking up for the Youth Retreat!

Thanks to everyone who signed up to donate food for the youth retreat. We still have a few items on the list if anyone wants to pick something up or if you didn't already sign up to bring something. Please bring your items on Sunday, February 3rd or Wednesday, February 6th from 7-8:30pm to the Church building.

Please let Jeff know if you would like to donate any of the below items:

24 sandwich rolls

sliced cheese

bags of chips

12 taco shells


bottled water

styrafoam cups




2 liters Pepsi, Sprite, 7-up

bags of small mixed candy

Thanks again for all the support and food! The retreat is going to be inspirational and FUN!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


WHEN: February 8 – 10
WHERE: At a private rented cabin in Big Bear

INFORMATION: We’ll focus on God’s word with 4 related lessons, introduce our theme for 2008, participate in team building activities, and have sledding adventures in the snow. We’ll meet at the building on Friday afternoon at 4:00 and we’ll return to the building at 1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon.

WHAT TO BRING: yourself, your Bible, warm clothes for Saturday and Sunday, casual clothes for lounging around the cabin, pajamas, bathroom supplies, a sleeping bag, pillow, towel. We’ll be going sledding on Saturday afternoon so bring a warm hat, gloves, sunglasses, scarf or anything else that can aid in keeping you warm! Most of all bring a great attitude and an open heart for learning more about God.

COST: $75 per person (this cost helps cover five meals, snacks, drinks, Saturday afternoon sledding, the cabin rental, study materials, and a t-shirt). Scholarships are available! Do not let the cost stop you from attending this event!

OTHER DETAILS: Our study and theme for this retreat will be continuing the concept we started in our Sunday morning Bible class: BECOMING: Finding My Identity in Christ. Using key moments from the life of the Apostle Paul, this study will challenge you to embrace the journey to become more like Christ.

PARENTS: To secure a spot for your teen you need to do a few basic things:

1) Let me know that your teen is committed to go either by e-mailing me, calling me, or letting me know at church. This is not just a, "Jack really is going to try and make it." If you tell me that your son/daughter is coming - then he/she will be committed to coming.

2) Fully complete a medical release form and give it back to me. It needs to be signed by both the parents and teen.

3) Pay the full registration fee (or whatever your family can afford). You can give the check to me, Jim Parks, or Deiga Bennett. Please do not just put your check in the collection plate. When you give one of the three of us your check, please signify that it is for the retreat (you can mark this on the memo line of your check) so that it goes into the youth fund. The check can be made out to Redlands Church of Christ.
I am very excited for this weekend. Much planning and prayer has gone into this retreat. I believe that it will be a great spiritual experience for our teens - I pray that they will learn more about becoming like Christ, bond together as a group, and create fun memories centered around our church community. Your prayers are much appreciated.

QUESTIONS? Contact Jeff Partain.

Friday, January 18, 2008


On Monday, our country will pause to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. He is most commonly celebrated as a civil rights leader and rightly so. Lest we forget, he was also an amazing preacher. At a time where Christians are increasingly concerned with the troubles in our world (and rightly so), let's not forget our hope of eternal life. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed the Christian motto that to live is Christ in a sermon at the funeral of the four young girls killed by a racist's bomb in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963:

“I hope you can find some consolation from Christianity’s affirmation that death is not the end. Death is not a period that ends the great sentence of life, but a comma that punctuates it to more lofty significance. Death is not a blind alley that leads the human race into a state of nothingness, but an open door which leads man into life eternal. Let this daring faith, this great invincible surmise, be your sustaining power during these trying days.”

MLK was a great spiritual voice. Recently for the speech class that I teach I re-read some of his sermons and speeches. One of his most overlooked speeches regarded Vietnam was given April 4, 1967 at New York City Riverside Church. You can read the amazing speech here.

Parents: I encourage every family to take the time to talk about this great American spiritual leader and hero of the Civil Rights Movement. There are many outstanding films for all ages.
Every family should watch the magnificent movie Boycott, starring Jeffrey Wright as Dr. King, and should study the history of the Montgomery bus boycott that changed the world. This website has video interviews with the people who were there. This newspaper article describes Dr. King's meeting with the bus line officials. It is important to note that he was not asking for complete desegregation; that seemed too unrealistic a goal. And this website has assembled teaching materials, including the modest reminder to the boycotters once segregation had been ruled unconsitutional that they should "demonstrate calm dignity," "pray for guidance," and refrain from boasting or bragging. Families should also read They Walked To Freedom 1955-1956: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

The Rosa Parks Story stars Angela Bassett as the woman who would not give up her seat on the bus. Contrary to the "Rosa was tired" legends of a woman who just decided on the spot not to give up her seat, the story is much more interesting. Ms. Parks was a leader in the still-young Civil Rights movement, and her arrest was anticipated and strategic. The Long Walk Home, starring Whoopi Goldberg and Sissy Spacek, makes clear that the boycott was a reminder to black and white women of their rights and opportunities -- and risk of change. Citizen King is a PBS documentary with archival footage of Dr. King and his colleagues. For children, Our Friend, Martin and Martin's Big Words are a good introduction to Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement.

Lastraw & Jesus Freaks

There is a Christian store that recently went in on State Street in downtown's a Christian lifestyle store that specializes in Christian apparel, Christian housewares, books and anything a cool, young Christian might want to wear or use to show off his faith. It's a store that makes you feel cool to be a Christian. Anyway, I remember the owner because one day we were in there shopping and Sophie suddenly started saying (rather loudly) that she had to go to the bathroom and instead of directing us down the street somewhere, he let us use their unfinished bathroom in the storeroom. VERY kind of him...possibly avoided an accident with that one.

Jeff got on his mailing list and we received an e-mail from them last week saying they might have a community service project they wanted to do and they were having a meeting to talk about it. We didn't go to the meeting but today Jeff stopped by the store to introduce himself and tell him if he had a service project, we would be interested in getting our youth group involved and helping out.

Everything in the store was half off...not a good sign for our favorite new store! Jeff had talked to the owner and he said when they first opened and people down on their luck saw a new Christian store on the block, they started coming in and asking for food, money, etc. He couldn't just turn them away. He started giving them food and I'm assuming spiritual food as well. He then felt called to minister to them and had set up a few dinners and things and always kept food and clothes at the store for those who might drop by in need. He felt called to turn it into a larger project and possibly have a food, clothes, and spiritual ministry there for them as well as the original store front. At first the owner of the building said it would be okay but after a robbery at a nearby jewelry store, the owner of the building told this owner of the store that the other tenents were worried about the clientele being scared off by the homeless and down-and-out of Redlands hanging out.

The owner of Lastraw, the Christian store, now is unsure of his next move. He feels called to minister to these people at their "last straw" and is planning on closing or moving the store to a new location at the end of the month...possibly even scrapping the store completely and opening a soup kitchen or having Sunday services and food in the park for the people he has gotten to know and care for in the past months by serving them from his store front. It's an interesting story and the ending could be promising and hopeful or sad and typical. I am praying that it will be like a story out of "Jesus Freaks" where his calling is realized and he will truly make a difference for those he's ministering too...where things that are even out of his control will just line up with God's help for the greater good of His purpose. Please pray that this little store owner and family man will follow his calling and have the support of many in the coming weeks. We would love to have a great Jesus ending to this story. We need more men like him. He makes me proud to be a Christian and makes me realize I should be out there bringing people to Christ and not just waiting for them to come to me. -Michelle

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Operation CARE

A timely and important service project has been brought to our attention from Debbie Maddox. It's called Operation Care and concerns many of the citizens in Afghanistan. The winter that they are currently experiencing there is a brutal one for the majority of the people who live in poverty. Quite literally, many Afghans are dying due to the weather conditions. In an effort to help the people over there, a service group working with the military stationed over there is trying to get as many warm clothes and blankets to the Afghan children. While some are buying new clothes, many are donating old clothes that are still usable. Debbie is asking for anyone who might have long-sleeve children's clothes, coats, sweaters, boots, gloves, mittens, etc. to bring them to church on Sunday, January 20th and she will box them up and mail them to Afghanistan where they are needed immediately. If you have any of these clothes that you can donate, please do so and bring them to church this Sunday. Please see the pictures below of the soldiers handing out these items to th Afghan people as well as a letter from Kevin Kennedy, one of the soldiers stationed in Afghanistan who has handed out these items. Please consider what you can bring next Sunday, these children are literally freezing to death as I write this.

"This morning I joined about 50 other American service-members on a trip out to a group of refugees living in tents (I think I saw at least 200 people there just from my vantage point) in the middle of a muddy field!From what I was told, some are refugees that have returned from and/or kicked out of Iran. They are basically squatting on some land that is undeveloped in a Kabul suburb. They live in makeshift tents and due tothe construction going on around them; their field has become more of a drainage point so there is a lot of mud.

The weather this past week has been well below freezing every night and we've had snow mixed with rain most of the past week. The site we visited looked rain-soaked and, without a doubt, it is the most impoverished place I have ever personally visited. The people of the camp knew we were coming because some members of our team visited the site earlier this past week to hand out tickets for coal and clothing and blankets. The tickets are important because when 12-13 American vehicles show up at a run-down camp, everyone knows there's goods being given away and many poor come from all around gather to try and get something for themselves as well. The tickets are given ahead of timeso the folks in the camp would be the ones getting the coal and blankets and other goods. Some members of the camp physically restricted others from entering.

I moved off of coal duty today and got into shoes and socks duty. I was the line former for a line of children that led into the back of a truck where we gave out shoes, socks, blankets, hats, and gloves to kids. Lots of stories I could tell...but one 4-5 year old boy was in line and was physically shaking...he had no hat, no gloves, no coat, and no socks; just slip on shoes pants and a couple of layered T-shirts. The ground was still frozen so it had to be below 32 outside. I got a Nike hat from John and put it on the boys head then put my arms and hands around him to try and warm him up a bit. We were giving the blankets out after the kids got their shoes...but this boy was so cold that I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him like a poncho and put some gloves on his hands. Then I kept rubbing him and put my warm leg next to him. He snuggled up to my leg and after a minute started talking. Ihave no idea what he was saying but he was smiling so I figure he must have been getting warmer. By the time he got some new shoes and socks he was smiling...and off he went back to his tent city!

Another man broke into the line of kids with his crying two year old daughter. He held her out to hand her to us...I didn't know what to do but to grab the little girl. She was crying and shaking, partly because she was cold and certainly now even scared because some stranger was holding her. We put a hat on her head and wrapped a blanket around her and just tried to comfort her a bit...and she stopped crying. Then we handed her up into the truck to a SMS gt who used to work for me at Minot. She took the two year old and helped her get outfitted with some shoes and socks and, a few minutes later, she left the back of the truck and went back to her father's arms...much calmer than she had been when she left them.

The team handed out coal, blankets, coats, shoes, socks, and even had a station just for handle feminine hygiene products and diapers. I saw several babies with nothing on but a T-shirt...amazing! What a sight to see...what an experience to experience! The two hours we spent there went by quickly and as I got back into our truck I began to feel how cold my own feet had become standing on that frozen ground. As the heated truck began to thaw me out I looked across the ditch(being used for sewage) at the tent camp and just prayed for the people. A couple of the kids we had helped came over to the 6 foot wide ditch and waved at us as we were driving away. They actually had smiles on their faces! Love you all...and am so grateful for you all and for all we've been given! Thanks for the gloves and hats...and other donations...I have now personally seen them go to a VERY GOOD CAUSE!"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Paul, the cell-phone salesman & Moses

For Friday night's 2007 reflection / 2008 planning night we had a short lesson related to the following video. I've posted the video below - and it really is an amazing clip. When you begin watching the video for the first time, pause it after 35 seconds and ask yourself these questions:

- How do you feel for Paul?
- Is there anything that he is going through that you feel sometimes?
- When have you felt like Paul?
- From what you have seen so far, how do you think Simon is going to respond?

Now watch the rest of the video -
or start it over and watch it uninterrupted from the beginning....

After watching the video ask yourself or discuss these questions:
- What amazed you the most?
- Paul, the cell-phone salesman had a huge hidden talent.
Is there something hiding inside of you?

Read Exodus Chapter 3:
- Why is Moses so reluctant?
- What are his excuses?
- How does God reassure him?

As the New Year begins...
- In what way are you like Moses?
- How do you need to let God change you?
- What does God need to change in you first this year?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Changed by Christ Part 3

And here is the third and final part of Brian "Head" Welch's testimony of his conversion.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Changed by Christ Part 2

Here is the second part of Brian "Head" Welch's testimony of his conversion.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Changed by Christ

When people encounter Christ, they are never the same. The most obvious Biblical example of this is the person we are focusing on in this study: the apostle Paul (who was Saul). Another more recent example though is Brian "Head" Welch, who we discussed in our Sunday morning class. Brian was the lead guitarist and founding member of the rock band Korn. To most people, Brian had everything one could want: worldwide fame and millions of dollars. But Brian was unsatisifed in his life and was deep in drug addiction. In one interview, Welch said that he "wanted to die." What happened next was extraordinary to many - a friend invited Brian to church and Welch gave his life over to Jesus Christ and in the process beat his drug addiction. Brian left Korn, walking away from millions of dollars, but he doesn't regret it at all. Brian is now focused on living for Christ and making music that reflects the Christian message.

Over the next 3 days I will post Brian "Head" Welch's testimony where he discusses his conversion. Here is part one:

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today in our first Sunday school class of the year, we started a Bible study called "BECOMING" which examines the transformation that Jesus Christ brought about in the life of the apostle Paul. Paul was so changed by his encounter with Christ that by the end of his life, this former Phariseee and persecutor of the Church could make the statement, "For me, to live is Christ." BECOMING is a study that helps us on the journey of discovering our true identity. Ultimately, who we are as individuals is bound in the person of Jesus Christ.

We read the following as an introduction to our study:

Who are you? And don't answer this question by giving your name...
Who are you, really? What makes What defines your identity? What image do you project? What separates you from the 6.7 billion other people on this planet?
What about you tells the world you're different? That you're valuable? That you have a purpose?
Is it your looks? Your talents? Your intellect? Your passions? Your bank account?
Or, is it something else...something more meaningful? Something more spiritual?
Are you the source of your identity? Or is HE?
Is your identity wrapped up in you? Or in HIM?
With every day that goes by, you make decisions, choices that determine who you are and who you will be. You are growing...physically...mentally...spiritually...
The question is: who you are becoming?
More like HIM? Or more like the world...
Who are you becoming?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm about four days late with this entry, but I wanted to wish everyone at the Redlands Church of Christ and every member of our youth group a very happy new year. I'm very excited about 2008 and what God is going to do with our youth group and with our church. I'm making it a resolution of mine to use this blog more. Besides updates, calendar events, and recaps on our events (complete with pictures) I'm hoping to add some spiritual reflections, Biblical thoughts, and Christian discussion questions. I encourage any reader of this blog to post responses and/or suggestions.

We have two big events coming up: our first activity for 2008 is this coming Friday night, January 11th at the building. We will have a night of spiritual planning and fun. We’ll reflect on 2007 and set goals for 2008. I want you to be there – so that you can help us plan for the future, as well as set personal spiritual challenges for yourself. Start time is 6:00 p.m.

The second event is the Winter retreat which is currently scheduled for February 8-10th. I cannot stress the importance of this event - we'll establish our theme for the year as well as dig deep into the Bible. We'll also have some great entertainment and fun. THIS will definitely be an event to clear the calendar for. You can miss an athletic event for this one and you can skip a school activity. We only have a retreat like this once a year - I want you there and am praying that every one of our teens will commit to attend this event. Please let me know if you can come ASAP.

In closing, let me leave you with this verse from 1 John 3:18: "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." I love this verse and wanted to use it in my first blog entry for 2008 because it is a challenge for every Christian and should be our calling as members of a church & youth group. God does not just want us to say we love each other, but he call us to actual genuine deeds and works of kindness. HE's pushing us beyond our comfort zone, to a higher form of love. This will be one of our focal points for this year - to go beyond just hanging out on Sundays and at youth events, and to truly care for each other through selfless giving and putting the needs of others above our own needs.