Friday, April 27, 2007

Jars of Clay...?

Possible event to discuss and ponder:
Jars of Clay ( are performing a concert at Chapman University in Orange on Saturday June 23rd.

The concert is not just a 'typical Christian rock concert' (is that an oxymoron?) either. It's a benefit for Lifewater International, and Blood:Water Mission. Lifewater International is a Christian organization that helps the rural poor obtain safe water. For more information check out:

Blood:Water Mission is an organization committed to clean blood and clean water to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic, to build clean wells in Africa, to support medical facilities caring for the sick, to make a lasting impact in the fight against poverty, injustice and oppression in Africa through the linking of needs, talents and continents, of people and resources. Check out their website here:

CCM (Christ Community Music) called Jars of Clay's last album Good Monsters "the most profound album the Christian music community has produced in years" and named it the 2006 Christian album of the year. Concert tickets are $33 with all of the profits going to these worthy causes (hence the heftier price ticket). This would be an awesome show and would support two excellent causes. It is possible that we might be able to use some of our youth fund money to help lower the cost of tickets. Michelle and I will probably be going anyways, but this could be a fun youth group activity. It could be open to the entire family as well, and would be a great event to bring friends. My question is this: is there any interest for this event? and if so, who wants to go?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Movie Poll

This Saturday, April 28th is our monthly movie night. At 7:00 we will be meeting at the church to watch a film - big screen style. When we get together to watch a movie, we're going to be looking at mainstream films that deal (sometimes inadvertently) with Biblical issues or Christian themes. This month I thought I'd throw out some options for you to vote on.

So post a comment below and let me know what your top choice for this Saturday is. The movies to choose from are:

About a Boy - Bend It Like Beckham - Big Fish

See you Saturday at 7:00!

Magic Mountain

So how was it...?
I was in Fullerton with the Redlands East Valley Speech Team, but thought about you all. What rides were your favorites? Any funny stories, encounters, memories, etc.? Post here and fill me in.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

No Words to Say

It's truly hard to know what to say in light of what happened at Virginia Tech yesterday. It does seem to me that for whatever reason in our society and culture when people lose it these days...they really lose it. Violent crimes of rage seem to be getting more personal and more destructive.

Here are two great links to read and reflect on during this time of tragedy:

The first is from Christianity Today and is titled "Peace in a World of Massacre" and talks about what Jesus calls us to, even when we are most frightened.

The second is a link to The Washington Post's section on Faith. It asks "How does your faith tradition explain (and respond to) senseless tragedies such as the Virginia Tech shootings?" They have a panel of responders from a variety of faiths. It's an important discussion to have.

What do you think causes someone to do such things? And, is there anything that we as a society can do to keep things like this from happening again? Please pray today for Virginia Tech, and all who are grieving over this unspeakable tragedy.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Keeping Redlands Beautiful!

We had a great day today! Thanks to everyone that gave up their Saturday morning to give back to our local community and help clean up Redlands. We found many interesting things cleaning up the sidewalks and empty fields around Clement Middle tweezers, batteries, shopping carts, wood planks, a couch, boxsprings, a sweater, pencils, a hypodermic needle, a screwdriver, part of a hammer, deceased animals and lots of other trash left behind by polluters. It wasn't an easy job so we want to thank you! You put another jewel in your crown today!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Birthday Girls

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sam and Brooke, Happy Birthday to yoU!