Hopefully, you've recieved your invitation in the mail (thanks to Debbie, Jen and Sam for mailing thos
e out). This Saturday is our annual Christmas party - school will be officially out so it's a great opportunity to get together, hang out, have some fun, and praise God. We'll be meeting at the Kay's house at 2:00. From there we'll caravan over to the Tyler Mall in Riverside for our scavenger hunt. If you were there last year you know how fun this can be - and prizes will be awarded. After the scavenger hunt, it's back tot he Kay's house for dinner, a $5 gift card exchange, and a devotional. Pick up time is at 8:00 p.m. I'm excited and encouraged to spend some time before Christmas together! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me or the Kays. Please RSVP to the Kays so we can make sure to have enough food and rides to the mall.
Also, don't forget to pick up a 5$ gift card for our gift exchange!
Grace & peace.....
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