Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!
May we, like camel-clothed prophets, lead people out of captivity.
Come out of her my people!
The American Dream is a poor substitute for the Kingdom of God.
Come out of her my people!
Consumption and Credit are cruel masters.
Enter the wilderness in prayer and fasting!
Emerge into a world that no longer sees us as its own.
For you are a peculiar people. A nation of priests.
Behold, a mighty citadel built upon a hill of bones!
Bring every mountain low, raise up every valley.
A citadel that imprisons the poor yet fetters the affluent.
Her sins are piled up to heaven. God remembers her crimes.
Her war machine offers salvation to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Some may trust in chariots, but we will trust in the Lord.
The Kingdom of God is in our midst.
Your salvation is near those who fear you!
We long for a world where righteousness dwells.
Where your justice and peace kiss.
A nation of Jubilee, a where your Spirit is poured out on all flesh!
Not a land of Debt where our desires smothers your Spirit.
Our consumption crushes those cast upon the altar of capitalism.
Consume us, O God.
Forgive us for our waywardness, O God!
We confess our complicity. Restore us, O God!
Make your dwelling among us, Emmanuel.
And guide our steps along the path of peace. AMEN.
Taken from Mark Van Steenwyk, the general editor of Jesus Manifesto. He is a Mennonite pastor (Missio Dei in Minneapolis), writer, speaker, and grassroots educator. He lives in South Minneapolis with his wife (Amy), son (Jonas) and some of their friends.
This litany relates to the theme of our upcoming film for this Sunday, What Would Jesus Buy?
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