Wednesday, January 23, 2008


WHEN: February 8 – 10
WHERE: At a private rented cabin in Big Bear

INFORMATION: We’ll focus on God’s word with 4 related lessons, introduce our theme for 2008, participate in team building activities, and have sledding adventures in the snow. We’ll meet at the building on Friday afternoon at 4:00 and we’ll return to the building at 1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon.

WHAT TO BRING: yourself, your Bible, warm clothes for Saturday and Sunday, casual clothes for lounging around the cabin, pajamas, bathroom supplies, a sleeping bag, pillow, towel. We’ll be going sledding on Saturday afternoon so bring a warm hat, gloves, sunglasses, scarf or anything else that can aid in keeping you warm! Most of all bring a great attitude and an open heart for learning more about God.

COST: $75 per person (this cost helps cover five meals, snacks, drinks, Saturday afternoon sledding, the cabin rental, study materials, and a t-shirt). Scholarships are available! Do not let the cost stop you from attending this event!

OTHER DETAILS: Our study and theme for this retreat will be continuing the concept we started in our Sunday morning Bible class: BECOMING: Finding My Identity in Christ. Using key moments from the life of the Apostle Paul, this study will challenge you to embrace the journey to become more like Christ.

PARENTS: To secure a spot for your teen you need to do a few basic things:

1) Let me know that your teen is committed to go either by e-mailing me, calling me, or letting me know at church. This is not just a, "Jack really is going to try and make it." If you tell me that your son/daughter is coming - then he/she will be committed to coming.

2) Fully complete a medical release form and give it back to me. It needs to be signed by both the parents and teen.

3) Pay the full registration fee (or whatever your family can afford). You can give the check to me, Jim Parks, or Deiga Bennett. Please do not just put your check in the collection plate. When you give one of the three of us your check, please signify that it is for the retreat (you can mark this on the memo line of your check) so that it goes into the youth fund. The check can be made out to Redlands Church of Christ.
I am very excited for this weekend. Much planning and prayer has gone into this retreat. I believe that it will be a great spiritual experience for our teens - I pray that they will learn more about becoming like Christ, bond together as a group, and create fun memories centered around our church community. Your prayers are much appreciated.

QUESTIONS? Contact Jeff Partain.

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