Friday, January 11, 2008

Paul, the cell-phone salesman & Moses

For Friday night's 2007 reflection / 2008 planning night we had a short lesson related to the following video. I've posted the video below - and it really is an amazing clip. When you begin watching the video for the first time, pause it after 35 seconds and ask yourself these questions:

- How do you feel for Paul?
- Is there anything that he is going through that you feel sometimes?
- When have you felt like Paul?
- From what you have seen so far, how do you think Simon is going to respond?

Now watch the rest of the video -
or start it over and watch it uninterrupted from the beginning....

After watching the video ask yourself or discuss these questions:
- What amazed you the most?
- Paul, the cell-phone salesman had a huge hidden talent.
Is there something hiding inside of you?

Read Exodus Chapter 3:
- Why is Moses so reluctant?
- What are his excuses?
- How does God reassure him?

As the New Year begins...
- In what way are you like Moses?
- How do you need to let God change you?
- What does God need to change in you first this year?

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