Welcome teens and parents to the Redlands Church of Christ Youth Group Blog! We will post devotionals, details on upcoming events, pictures and stories. There are comment sections for the teens to get involved too! Please feel free to share your feelings and thoughts on whichever topics interest you! God Bless!
Youth Minister Jeff Partain
Honorary Youth Group Members
The Partain Kids
food for thought...
For nothing is impossible with God Luke 1:37
Upcoming Events!
Sept 12 - Sonshiners Dinner with Youth Group Please mark your calendar for this Saturday night. The Sonshiners have invited us for a free dinner with them. Sept 19 - Dinner & Movie Night at the church building Meet at the church building at 5:00 for dinner and a good film - it's time to hang out. Sept 27 - Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser Our monthly brunch is kicking it up a notch this month for a real lunch with profits going back into the youth fund. October 4 - "God's Truth About Sex" Bible Study Our monthly Bible study kicking off this month is about sex. Hopefully, that alone might convince you to attend. October 25 - Fundraiser Brunch October 29 - Creation Fest in San Bernardino 6 musical artist, 1 speaker, and an amazing night uplifting God - be there. November 27-29 Pepperdine YouthFest
Tonight was a blessed night! Brett and Brooke McGee were baptized tonight at the church building. Tommy Walling's granddaughter, Carissa, was also baptized. Praise God!
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