Thursday, May 1, 2008

National Day of Prayer


jpartain said...

Today I'm praying for my dad as hs is being admitted to the hospital. Please pray the doctors will be diligent and find the source of the problem and that God will heal him. Please pray that God will be with him and comfort him while he goes through these tests.

jpartain said...

I'm also praying for our church, that we may grow in numbers, in spirit and in our love for God and for each other. I'm also praying for our youth group - that our teens may continue to grow in Christ and put His will and their allegience to Him before anything else.

FourPartains said...

Praying for Grandpa Bill, Miss Theda, Brianna Wood, Uncle Joe...just health to all our family members and friends that are ill or helping others who are ill. Pray for our country and the soldiers that are overseas unsure of what will happen next. Pray that the presidential election will be fair and that we will elect the best representative for our country. I pray for our youth group and our Church...that it may grow and that we will bring others to Christ. I am so thankful for Jesus in my life. I live to praise him. Let others see 'this little light of mine' and be inspired too.

Anonymous said...

Today i am praying for our whole congregation. For every hurt and need, spoken and unspoken. Especially for Ed Morrison and Bill Partain as they travel through uncertainty. Please give them peace, comfort and reassurance that you are in control. I praise you for the good things that you are doing in our congregation. Every life is precious and brings so much to our fellowship, thank you. We love you and praise you for the blessings in our lives. May we in turn be a blessing to those we come in contact with.