Friday, March 30, 2007

Of course there are pictures!

Everyone stayed up on their feet pretty well tonight! Here are a few pictures. It was dark so some of the pictures are grainy..but a good time was had by all...well worth a few blisters and a wipe out or two...Thanks for coming! We'll have to do that again sometime! Maybe ice skating next!

Keep Redlands Beautiful!

Keep Redlands Beautiful
April 14, 2007
This is an event open to the entire church! Please come out and support our youth group and our great city of Redlands! We will meet at the Church at 8am and we'll carpool over to Clement middle school. We have to be there by 8:30am! We'll help pick up the streets and beautify the city. At 11:30am we'll wrap it up and head over to Sylvan Park for a celebration bar-b-que and party!
Be the change you want to see in the world

Springfest 2007!

Mark Your calendars
For The Bakersfield Youth Rally
Springfest 2007
May 18-20
You Must reserve your spot by April 17th! Registration will be $40 per person. Hotel will be covered by the youth group fund. Your registration cost covers all food, speakers, concerts, a SpringFest T-shirt and shared hotel room for 2 nights! This will be a great opportunity for you to bond with other youth group members and meet other cool, christian teens.
Let Jeff know if you can go as soon as possible!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Making Blankets for My Stuff Bags

We had a great turnout today for our service project making blankets for My Stuff Bags. You can check out this great organization at if you want more information or want to do this again in your own spare time. Everyone did a great job! Remember our devotional scripture James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Can you think of any other service activities or projects that our youth group can do to show God's love to others?
Thanks to everyone that participated, old and young, and helped us make these loving blankets.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Youth Group Shirt Ideas!

Okay! Here are a couple ideas we are looking at for our Youth Group shirts! What do you think? Post your comments here! Maybe the cool Jesus on the back with the Love God on the front over your heart?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Magic Mountain

Hallelujah Jubilee
Magic Mountain
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Calling all teens and teens at heart! Let’s go to Magic Mountain! There will be great rides and cool Christian bands playing! Please sign up and give your money to Jeff Partain by Sunday March 25th in order to get this price!
Any kids under 12 years old must bring a parent
Questions? Email